Taylor Advisors is leading the pack when it comes to finding creative solutions designed to increase profitability and promote sustainable growth. Learn more about the waves we’re making and industry happenings in our blog.
Taylor Advisors is leading the pack when it comes to finding creative solutions designed to increase profitability and promote sustainable growth. Learn more about the waves we’re making and industry happenings in our blog.
Market Update Bankers track many key interest rates, but surely mortgage rates get a lot of attention, as they can have a significant impact on a community bank’s earnings and…
Amidst the persistent rally in U.S. Treasury prices and the problematic inversion in the yield curve, loan pricing is beginning to take center stage, over deposits, as a key concern…
Back in the summer of 2018, we published “FDIC Rate Caps and Hidden Liquidity Risk” outlining the flaws of the FDIC’s national rate calculation and the liquidity traps inherent in…
The London Inter-bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) has been the preeminent reference rate in the financial markets for assets, liabilities, and derivative contracts, with an estimated $200 trillion in notional value…
Over the past year, financial institutions across the country have seen an acceleration in funding costs. Historically, institutions have been successful in delaying rate increases on deposits during the initial…
Rising interest rates have certainly been on the minds of many bankers over the past year. The Fed has hiked the Fed Funds target rate eight times in its current…
Investment Guide for a Flat Yield Curve Treasuries yields started 2018 moving higher across the yield curve. Continued U.S. GDP growth, an optimistic Fed, and very early signs of increasing…
Accelerating Deposit Costs At the beginning of the Fed’s march to higher rates, depositors had become numb to near-zero rates on deposits. Memories of 5% 1yr CDs from 2007 faded…
During the 2008 Financial Crisis liquidity conditions tightened for the entire banking industry in a very short time span. Many financial institutions were caught off-guard as the impact was far…
Margin Depression From the end of 1992 to the beginning of 2018, net interest margins in the Banking industry have declined about 100 basis points, with earning asset yields declining…